Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm opting out of my regularly scheduled life this weekend... we have FO's. I've been feeling just kind of off - first really resentful and feeling like I'm doing it all, and not wanting to work. Then getting an opportunity to work and feeling productive and inspired. Then going to the YMCA and getting completely pissed off at the fact that the kids in "day camp" are in the gymnasium (where Dan and I work out with baby) WATCHING A MOVIE!!!!
When in hell did kids start watching movies at camp? Seriously, I'm writing a letter this time. I mean it. I just look around sometimes at how we're killing our kids - TV, internet, fast food, processed wheat and pasteurized, homogenized dairy, stress, being bombarded with commercial crap from infancy....did you know there's a new TV channel specifically marked to kids under 3?

Did you know the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends NO TV for kids under 2, as it detrimentally affects speech development, is tied to ADHD and obesity? Check HERE for more information.
Dan's doing a post-graduate diplomate in neurology, targeting autism and ADHD, which are at epidemic proportions. TV is a huge problem, video games too. We've cut the big kids down to 1/2 hour of "screen time" weekly. They can earn more, but rarely ask for it now, other than the odd movie as a treat. Baby is not allowed to watch. Period.

Now look at the newborn longies. Aren't they the sweetest?

Unblocked so the leg looks a wee bit wonky, but I assure you, the knitting is impeccable. These are a gift for a fellow chiropractor's wife in Australia. Here's hoping the boat arrives before the baby.

Patons 100% wool, these are Picky Pants, knit addi turbo size 4.00 mm with extra long waistband and a seed stitch cuff. These are just so teeny tiny it makes me want a newborn boy.

But here's the best birth control there is:

Baby taking an unorthodox approach to the exersaucer. Note the amber teething necklace I repaired - I'm so crafty! They work though, we had no red cheeks, drooling, or wailing baby and now we have 2 teeth. She did wake up a lot at night though.

Speaking of night waking, she's just woken up for the fourth time in 5 hours. Dan wonders why I stay up's not like there's any point in going to bed, right?

Oh, my first cabled project. It's starting to get cooler already, especially in the evenings (though I truly believe global warming is a problem, I have my doubts when I'm contemplating turning on the furnace in August). Baby needs a hat and longies, stat. So I whipped this up:

Un petit chapeau for the little one. It's Rowan yarn 70/30 cotton/wool but I don't know the colorway, I tossed the little holder thingy. I mucked it up in one spot when Dan was talking to me about something. I guess I'm human after all, I can't do cables for the first time ever while watching TV and chatting. Isn't the cable pretty thought? It's really cool to trust the pattern and watch them form. I thought cables would be hard, but they're really fun.

Ahh, there's more to talk about, but baby calls, actually she doesn't call but I know she will soon so I need to do a few more rows on the new longies, that I have to knit in size large *sob* - that is a LOT of legwork. I'm rewarding myself with embroidery at the end, I'm going to make them in a nice deep gree with lots of girly embellishments. I can't wait to finish them.