Thursday, April 28, 2011


I can't believe my baby is already such a big girl.

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Babies everywhere!

My friend had a healthy son, thanks be to God. I am so thrilled for her. A bit worried about her too, but it's her journey, and I must respect her privacy.

Someone dear to me has since lost a baby at 39 weeks. And someone dear to me just had a cerclage removed and is eagerly anticipating her Third (and first living) child. I cannot wait for her to finally feel that unadulterated joy associated with bringing life into the world.

It makes me want to do it again!

Also? Changed my hair again. Gerald is an unapologetic enabler.


What I wanted



It's redder than the picture, which isn't exactly what I wanted, but I think it works well with my skin tone.

Love it...but hubs says I look like a lesbian. Asshole.

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