Friday, July 18, 2008

Early Days

The plan, so to speak, is to document this experience in blog-world, especially the early days, because I think this will be hush hush for a few weeks at least. I did another test this morning, and the line was there - ever so faint, but I had hubby look at it, and he saw it too. He thought faint meant 'maybe', and I tried explaining that it did not - then later tonight he said, 'do you really think there is a little person in there?' - I was all, um...yeah actually there definitely is. Dumbass.

MIL made a comment when we were talking about the potential next baby about us having to move out to the country we'll need so much room. I was kind of annoyed, as I always am when I carefully think something through only to have someone kibosh it. Then I joked about it later to hubby - MIL would make a great disaster planner, she's unspeakably good at predicting the Worst Case Scenario.

Moving on - early symptoms

Shortly after conception (within a few days), I started to feel some cervical sensitivity during intercourse.
Within a week I started feeling like Katja was really a lousy nurser - it feels like she is sucking so HARD.
I was super-crabby with hubby, and attributed it to PMS. this was about 8 days post-conception.
I am so unbelievably thirsty.

things I'm doing

Upping my fish oil intake
Forcing hubby to order vitamins so I can start taking multis again, plus folic with B
Lowered caffeine intake - I only had one cup today, I plan to go to 1/2 a cup tomorrow
Making sure I eat fruit/veggies and drop my carb intake (this is so FREAKING HARD when people are providing me with things like warm Tall Grass Bakery cinnamon buns as well as rhubarb apple crisp. Really people. Work with me here.
Upping my exercise levels. I'm not at my ideal weight right now, I'm probably 10 pounds heavier than ideal, which (a) really shows on my 5'1" frame; and (b) is not healthy for baby or for me. The goal is to walk daily for 30 minutes (that fell by the wayside when school holidays started and rainy weather set in for a couple of weeks), and also to do a more intense workout 4 times a week, 3 at minimum.

And I will definitely be taking pics, but not until tomorrow. Ugh, I am not looking forward to my flabby early pregnancy pic.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I did a HPT this evening, since AF is a day overdue, and there's the faintest hint of a line.

More news as events warrant. I'm keeping this to myself for a little bit, I think. I kind of like having a little secret.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Some Pretty Big News

We are officially TTC - trying to conceive baby #4. Half of me is thrilled, half of me is seriously wondering if all the drugs I used to do have fried my brain. So I'm not really telling anybody, except blogworld, becuase nobody reads this anyway. And now I feel like I've told someone. Yeah, actually I'm really excited!

Unfortunately, months 1 and I suspect 2 have yielded no results. Part of me is a bit bummed, only because I've conceived first try (or without trying) so this weeks to be taking a while. I'm a bit worried that the complications from Katja's birth or that dysplasia I had a year ago is to blame; or a myriad of other things. I should also eat less carbs, but that's what I eat when I'm worrying about my health, so, that's probably not happening. OK 90% not happening. I'll try. Starting tomorrow, and except for Meredith and Levi's birthdays. And mine and Dan's if necessary. That seems doable.

And...that's about it. Yup, going to (as I read on a blog once) overpopulate this fine world, one beautiful baby at a time.