Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'm making a shawl!

And one of these nights when I have a couple of hours to spare I'll upload the photos and a link to the pattern. And I'll look up the pattern and tell you what it is. I do have the ball band here, it's Pastimes Space Oddity, a hand-dyed laceweight I scored while in Chicago. Did I post about Chicago? Awesome trip, totally fun. Ill post pics when....well, you know.

Anyway, the shawn was started in the van on the way to Notre Dame to see DH's family (his 86 year old grandmother is quite possibly the most amazing person - I know everyone says that but she truly is - she is a dynamo, so witty and quick...I think actually a bit wittier than her kids at times ;-)) - anyway, I started it, went to row 33, and realized I was short a stitch. Of course I was too arrogant to use a lifeline, so I had to frog back to the 22nd row, with a bit of fudging the numbers (adding a YO) to make it fit. So it's a little bit arsed up in the beginning but I'm confident that it will work out in blocking. Of course, I should frog the entire thing and start over, it's only 35 rows, but I truly don't think the recipient will even notice it, and my knitting time limited, and precious - I love completing things, and I love knitting them...the first time. I hate HATEEEE frogging, it really upsets me, so I'm pretty okay with living with my mistakes.

I also finished a baby shrug for K from Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran, it's so soft I want to do things that would be pretty inappropriate for a G-rated blog with it. She, of course, refuses to wear it. I might give it to her cousin, it's a wee bit big anyway, maybe she'll wear a pink one. And I want to start a fair isle for her as well (another Debbie Bliss - actually a combination of two of her patterns). And she'll probably refuse to wear it too.

And I now have inventory for sale, I'm debating whether to use Etsy or Cloth Diaper Supplies...we'll see what the financial aspect tells me - I have four soakers for sale plus a pair of size small longies, and I'm about to cast on some NB longies in organic wool for a friend. And socks for Dan. I abandoned Ice Queen (it sucked in the Malabrigo and now it's spring, though I did score some kidsilk haze in Chicago too) and Jonna (stupid yarn was too stiff it looks like crap).

Back to my sock.

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