Sunday, July 13, 2008

Some Pretty Big News

We are officially TTC - trying to conceive baby #4. Half of me is thrilled, half of me is seriously wondering if all the drugs I used to do have fried my brain. So I'm not really telling anybody, except blogworld, becuase nobody reads this anyway. And now I feel like I've told someone. Yeah, actually I'm really excited!

Unfortunately, months 1 and I suspect 2 have yielded no results. Part of me is a bit bummed, only because I've conceived first try (or without trying) so this weeks to be taking a while. I'm a bit worried that the complications from Katja's birth or that dysplasia I had a year ago is to blame; or a myriad of other things. I should also eat less carbs, but that's what I eat when I'm worrying about my health, so, that's probably not happening. OK 90% not happening. I'll try. Starting tomorrow, and except for Meredith and Levi's birthdays. And mine and Dan's if necessary. That seems doable.

And...that's about it. Yup, going to (as I read on a blog once) overpopulate this fine world, one beautiful baby at a time.

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