So I decided it was time for a van. I'd known this since before Christmas, when I was still pregnant. So I did the research and got the least gas-guzzling version out there, the Toyota Sienna. I'm pretty happy about it. What makes me happiest is how far away the kids are from the driver's seat now. Just kidding. Ok I'm actually really not kidding, it's great how the screaming is kind of muffled now. Plus there's about 300 cup holders, and the middle row is too far back from the front for DD1 to kick the back of Dan's seat, reducing the disputes on the average car ride to under 50, which I can live with.
Anyway, back to the van - I dropped off my Jetta at the dealeship and kissed my cheap as borscht car days goodbye - while the payment was steep, the insurance was next to nothing, and I was literally spending $80/month on diesel.
Imagine my surprise when a few days ago I filler-up'd the van and the total was $78. SEVENTY-EIGHT FREAKING DOLLARS to fill up a vehicle that (a) I didn't want anyway; and (b) drinks gas the way Britney Spears drinks cosmopolitans. *SOB*
Speaking of vans, here's a great link to another blog - it's an ad for "mom my ride"