Monday, October 15, 2007

Getting close.....

So close in fact, that I already bought my reward yarn for my reward scarf. But don't tell anyone, because I'm actually going to get myself some really extra nice yarn for a second reward scarf. This one's just practice. Shhhh.

The cap is done, the booties are done, and the dress is done except for the second sleeve (I'm about 1/4 done this, and the finishing. I've woven in a LOT Of ends so far. On the booties alone I had about 10 ends each. The hat had quite a few as well. And on the dress...OMG. Lots of work to do, and I understand the finishing involves crochet. English crochet. How hard can it be, right?

I got the stitch n bitch books from the library over the weekend, they're great! I learned how to do proper seaming, on bootie #2. There's a definite difference, and I'm really glad I got these books, they show the techniques really easily. I love the silly references - smily faces and umbrellas for garter stitch, for example. They really helped me figure out the technique quickly. I also learned how to correctly pick up stitches, I honestly had no idea I was doing it wrong - of course, I had never looked up how to do it RIGHT, so how could I?

The modified sleeve looks great - here it is (unblocked of course)

I did a gradual decrease, every 5 rows along with the eyelet pattern, two stitches per row skp at the start and k2tog at the end, then doing it every other row for the rest, once I realized I was 10 cm into the sleeve and still at 50 sts, trying to get to 24! When I got to 24 sts, I did K1, *k2, m1*, then two rows stockingette, then three rows seed stitch. I'm really pleased at the result.

It looks a bit wonky in the photo, but it's lovely on.

To reward myself for finishing the sleeve, I moved on to the cap. It's done too, except for a few stray ends and weaving a ribbon through the eyelets.

Next, the booties - here's a view from the side before seaming. Note the wicked number of ends. I can't even explain what a dumbass move I did in order to accomplish that. But I did improve on my technique for the second bootie, and thus only had about 6 ends to weave in. It still seemed like a lot of ends for such a wee thing.

The finished product, times two:

Now off to finish this stupid second sleeve.

Oh, before I go - a word to the wise. When modifying a pattern such that one will have to replicate one's modifications, such as on a second sleeve, it is best to write down the modified pattern as one goes. Lest one spend countless precious minutes counting rows and stitches on shiny white yarn in bad light. I'll never make that mistake again. Ugh.

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